Category: History

Naming the Nightmare: The Journey Back from 9/11 Parts 1-4

©2002 Produced by Betsy Hutton Part 1: Terrorism What conditions give rise to terrorism? This program explores the historical background of terrorism, the Reign of Terror, the assassin phenomenon and how terrorim is a global issue. Part 2: Understanding Islam Islam is the fastest growing world religion. An estimated 1.2 billion people in the world are Muslim. Learn about the history of Muhammad and the spread of Islam, the five pillars of Islam and the development of Islam as a political force. Part 3: Waging War The American government is waging a two-front war on terrorism at home and abroad. On the battlefield, new technology, and tactics and an elusive target are changing the way we fight wars. At home, security precautions are raising concerns about civil liberties. Part 4: People Who Keep Us Safe Firefighters, police and rescue workers risk their lives every day. The CDC scrambles to keep up with the latest in bio-warfare. The FBI and CIA analyze clues and conduct surveillance to prevent terroristic threats. Find out how they develop new strategies and why they are committed to their work.

Category: History

$ 95.00
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Jeannie Magill-Milking the Rhino

How can conservation benefit both wildlife and humans? Jeannie Magill, originator and co-producer of the documentary Milking the Rhino, discusses how community-based conservation is working for two tribes in Africa. Jeannie Magill owned and operated Westwind Safaris and Tours, a company specializing in educational safaris to Kenya. She was a visiting scholar with the African Studies programs at Northwestern University, and she served as a consultant to the renovation of the African wing of Chicago’s Field Museum of Natural History. From the Conversations with Penn State Series featuring Patty Satalia

Category: History

$ 24.95
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The 13 Indigenous Grandmothers - GRANDMA AGGIE

Discover a life dedicated to peace.Grandma Aggie, spokesperson and eldest member of the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers, speaks about the grandmothers’ hope to change the direction of the world, save Mother Earth, and ensure peace and prosperity for all following generations. From the Conversations with Penn State Series featuring Patty Satalia.

Category: History

$ 19.95
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